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Hannah Holtzman (Grad ’11, Grad ’18) Anne Holub (Col ’99) Anne Holub (Col ’99) Eliza Holzbach (Col ’12) Patricia Homa (Col ’80 CM) Matthew Homan (Col ’94 CM) Michael Homenick (Engr ’00 CM) Paul Honeycutt (Com ’77 CM) Jeannie Hong (Col ’88 CM) Robert Honig (Col ’89) Michael Hooker (Col ’76, Law ’81) Beth Hoover (Col ’87 CM) Corley Hopkins (Col ’08 CM) Frank Hopkins (Com ’01 CM) Lucas Hopkins (Engr ’08) Sara Hopkins (Com ’08 CM) Darrin Hopper (Grad ’98) Gunes Hopson (Col ’97, Law ’01 CM) Rodney Hopson (Educ ’97, Grad ’96 CM) Elizabeth Horahan (Engr ’06 CM) William Horbaly (Col ’81 CM) Nessa Horewitch (Law ’03) Donald Horn (Arch ’79) Beau Horner (Col ’07 CM) Vicki Horst (Col ’90) Scott Horton (Col ’02, Law ’05) Shannon Horton (Nurs ’98) Betsy Horton-Coons (Col ’78 CM) William Hosp (Col ’72) Heather Houck (Col ’92 CM) Victoria Hough (Col ’83 CM) George House (Law ’72) Halley House (Col ’08) Joni House (Col ’77 CM) John Houser (Col ’01, Darden ’08) Christy Houston (Col ’06, Educ ’09 CM) Ashley Howard (Col ’08) Delia Howard (Col ’85 CM) John Howard (Col ’83 CM) Margaret Howard (Col ’05 CM) Melanie Howard (Col ’79 CM) John Howard-Smith (Col ’08) Debbie Howe (Com ’91 CM) Joseph Howell (Grad ’79) Ross Howell (Col ’72 CM) Ryan Howell (Col ’02 CM) Andrew Howes (Engr ’02 CM) Marc Howlett (Arch ’07) Owen Howlett (Arch ’07) Wei Hsu (Engr ’00 CM) Tien-tsin Huang (Com ’97) Tienwei Huang (Col ’99) John Hudgins (Col ’72 CM) Harris Hudson (Col ’11 CM) Mark Hudson (Col ’75 CM) Melissa Hudson (Col ’08 CM) Shane Hudson (Engr ’97 CM) Nadine Huffman (Col ’78 CM) Michael Huffstetler (Arch ’87) Ashley Hughes (Col ’13) Joan Hughes (Com ’77 CM) Leigh Hughes (Col ’99) Lynn Hughes (Law ’92 CM) Ryan Hughes (Col ’04 CM) Matthew Hughey (Grad ’09) Charles Hull (Col ’06 CM) Heather Hummel (SCPS ’03) Julie Hummer (Col ’90 CM) Jacquelyn Humphreys (Com ’04 CM) Justin Humphreys (Col ’01) Justin Humphreys (Col ’01) Teresa Humphries (Nurs ’05) Jan Hundley (Nurs ’77 CM) Michael Huneke (Col ’02 CM) J.D. Hunley (Col ’63, Grad ’73) John Hunnicutt (Engr ’68 CM) Brian Hunt (Col ’97 CM) Courtney Hunt (Educ ’91) Johnny Hunt (Col ’75 CM) Sara Hunt (Col ’03) Shannon Hunt (Col ’95, Educ ’95 CM) Christopher Hunter (Col ’97, Darden ’07 CM) Colin Hunter (Col ’04 CM) Lindsay Hunter (Col ’97) Mark Hunter (Com ’82 CM) Stephen Huntoon (Col ’78, Law ’82 CM) Paul Hurdle (Col ’70, Law ’73 CM) Carolyn Hurlburt (Col ’74) James Hurley (Col ’79 CM) Philip Hurst (Law ’80 CM) Vanessa Hurst (Engr ’08) Lisa Hurwitz (Col ’77, Law ’80) Nebil Husayn (Col ’04) Lauren Hutchings (Com ’10, Darden ’15) Katherine Hutson (Col ’08 CM) Thomas Hutson-Wiley (Col ’96 CM) Caryl Huynh (Col ’08) Iris Hwa (Com ’01) Helen Hwang (Col ’89, Grad ’81 CM) Dina Hyde (Col ’85 CM)