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Zachary Connelly (Engr ’98 CM) Barbara Conner (Educ ’05) Kristopher Conner (Arch ’01 CM) Frank Connolly (Arch ’72 CM) Robert Conrad (Law ’83) J.F. Contijoch (Arch ’87) Jennifer Conway (Col ’99, Educ ’02 CM) Kathleen Conway (Col ’88 CM) Candice Cook (Col ’00 CM) Cynthia Cook (Col ’04) daivd cook (Grad ’71) Eugene Cook (Law ’92 CM) Katherine Cook (Col ’86 CM) Maureen Cook (Col ’82 CM) Scott Cook (Col ’77 CM) Thomas Cook (Com ’81) Tom Cook (Com ’81 CM) Dawes Cooke (Col ’76 CM) Jane Cooke (Com ’84 CM) M. Cooke (Col ’76 CM) Simon Cooke (Col ’96 CM) Andrew Cookingham (Col ’05 CM) Jay Cookingham (Col ’75 CM) Christy Coombs (Col ’05 CM) Lynda Coon (Grad ’86, Grad ’90) Ryan Coonerty (Law ’01) Brian Cooney (Col ’10 CM) Doug Cooney (Col ’78 CM) John Cooney (Engr ’85 CM) Scott Cooney (Com ’94) Axel Cooper (Col ’09, Med ’14) Katherine. Cooper (Col ’84, Law ’87 CM) Katie Cooper (Nurs ’00 CM) Patricia Cooper (Col ’05, Law ’10 CM) Rochelle Cooper (Col ’84 CM) Kelly Cope-Randall (Col ’00) Jack Copper (Engr ’72 CM) Seth Corazzini (Col ’96) C. Corcoran (Law ’73) Daniel Cordero (Col ’91 CM) Elizabeth Cornetta (Educ ’02 CM) Caroline Coronado (Col ’06 CM) Meredith Correia (Col ’99 CM) Tom Corrigan (Col ’75 CM) Robert Corser (Arch ’93) Jay Cost (Col ’01 CM) Constance Costas (Col ’84) Lindsey Cote (Col ’03) Tina Cote (Com ’91 CM) Robert Cottrell (Educ ’16 CM) Jerry Coughlan (Law ’69) Abigail Coulter (Educ ’10) Lynn Coulter (Col ’98 CM) Michael Coulter (Col ’76 CM) Katie Couric (Col ’79 CM) Karen Courington (Col ’01 CM) Stacie Court (Col ’86 CM) Elizabeth Courts (Nurs ’72) George Coussoulos (Educ ’65) Judith Coutts (Arch ’79) Judy Coutts (Arch ’79) Lisa Covel (Nurs ’78) Melanie Covington (Col ’97 CM) Tony Covington (Col ’90) Carol Cox (Col ’87) Charles Cox (Col ’66 CM) Ronald Cox (Engr ’75, Engr ’79 CM) Peter Coy (Col ’71 CM) Norman Crabill (Engr ’58) Matt Crafton (Col ’03) Ted Craig (Col ’89 CM) Wilson Craig (Col ’16) Michael Craigmile (Col ’12 CM) Sharon Crane (Grad ’84) Sharon Crane (Grad ’84) William Crawford (Com ’72 CM) Stephanie Crawford-Stewart (Col ’08) Scott Crenshaw (Engr ’01, Engr ’03 CM) Dawn Crim (Col ’89 CM) Katie Cristol (Col ’07 CM) Kay Crnkovich (Educ ’78 CM) Susanne Croasdaile (Educ ’05) Lawrence Croft (Col ’67 CM) B. Cromwell (Col ’63 CM) Jo Cronly (Col ’04 CM) Samuel Crosby (Col ’73 CM) Raymond Crosier (Col ’77 CM) Richard Cross (Col ’72 CM) Gene Crotty (Com ’55, Darden ’57 CM) Jimmie Crowder (Col ’58 CM) Karlyn Crowley (Col ’02) William Crozer (Col ’07) Christopher Crum (Col ’70, Med ’74 CM) Cabrillya Crumm (Col ’10 CM) Bill Crump (Col ’63 CM) Charles Crump (Law ’37) Bill Crutchfield (Com ’65 CM) Patricia Cuadros (Col ’09) Anna Cuccio (Col ’00 CM) John Cudahy (Col ’83 CM)